Crossed Arms, Confident Care: Where Pose Meets Professionalism

About Us

Welcome to Crossed Arms Locums, the world's first and only staffing agency exclusively providing doctors who understand the power of a good arm cross.

Our elite medical professionals not only bring top-tier medical expertise to your hospital but do so with an air of confidence that can only be achieved through permanently crossed arms. Founded on the principle that the best medicine begins with a strong pose, we’ve revolutionized temporary medical staffing by ensuring every doctor we place not only knows their stuff but looks incredibly good doing it.

Why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Our crossed-arms doctors are the epitome of professionalism and assurance. They’ve mastered the art of diagnosing with a mere glance and treat patients with an efficiency that’s as impressive as their posture. From increasing patient trust to enhancing hospital aesthetics, our doctors are a testament to the power of poise.

Our Services

Crossed Arms Quick-Fill

In the nick of time, when you're down to your last doctor and the flu season decides to party, Crossed Arms Quick-Fill parachutes in. Our elite team of crossed-arms doctors are not just about the pose; they're about action. Equipped with the ability to diagnose with a stern look and prescribe with a pointed foot, they'll have your hospital running smoother than a well-oiled stethoscope. It's fast. It's furious. It's arms crossed with a purpose

Pose Specialists On Demand

Need a neurologist with an imposing stance or a cardiologist who can stop heartbeats with their crossed-arms confidence? Look no further than Crossed Arms Specialty Surge. Our database of specialty doctors isn't just about the degrees and years of experience; it's about how long they can hold a cross-armed pose under pressure. Perfect for hospitals aiming to boost patient confidence with medical professionals who look like they've stepped out of a stock photo and into your wards.

Part-Time Presence, Full-Time Confidence

For those gaps in the schedule that seem as wide as the Grand Canyon, Crossed Arms Continuous Coverage offers a bridge made of doctors with their arms lovingly locked. From maternity leaves to sabbaticals where your regular staff chase their dreams or just catch up on sleep, our crossed-arms locums ensure your patients never notice the difference. They bring full-time confidence with their part-time presence, proving that a good doctor is not just about the healing hands but also about the authoritative arms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, and with more style. Whether it’s writing prescriptions with a pen held between their crossed arms or performing complex surgeries using the latest in telekinetic technology, our doctors redefine multitasking. They bring a whole new meaning to the phrase “hands-on experience.

Faster than you can say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” three times fast. Our crossed-arms doctors are always on standby, ready to swoop in with their arms crossed and their diagnostic game strong. It’s like summoning a superhero, but instead of a cape, they come with a medical degree and a confident pose.

Through a carefully designed nutrition program, our doctors receive all necessary sustenance via osmosis, ensuring their arms remain impeccably crossed.

Our roster includes specialists from across the medical spectrum, all of whom have mastered the art of keeping their arms crossed in their respective fields. From crossed-arms cardiologists to neurologists who diagnose with a discerning squint, we cover every specialty. They’re like the Avengers, but for healthcare and with better posture.

Crossed Arms Locums employs the latest in communication technology, ensuring seamless interaction without disrupting the pose. Our doctors are equipped with voice-activated devices, allowing them to stay in constant contact with your team. They also use expressive eyebrow raises and a sophisticated system of winks for in-person communications. It’s all very high-tech and eyebrow-intensive.

Success Stories

Jobs with CAL

Crossed-Arms Pediatrician Job in Texas

Wanted: A Crossed-Arms Pediatrician for the cheerful team at Sunny Skies Pediatric Care! Use your confident stance to lighten the mood and diagnose with just a look. Must enjoy making children laugh without moving your arms and be adept at non-verbal storytelling.

ER Cross-Armed Nurse Practitioner Job in Utah

Seeking a Cross-Armed Nurse Practitioner for our ER at Heartbeat Rapid Response Center. Your role is to maintain calm with arms crossed while providing top-notch care in high-stress situations. Ideal candidates will have a flair for silent reassurance and be skilled in telekinetic multitasking.

Crossed-Arms Anesthesiologist Job in Florida

Serenity Now Anesthesia Group seeks a poised Crossed-Arms Anesthesiologist. Bring calm to the OR with your steadfast posture and expert anesthetic care, all while keeping those arms crossed. Proficiency in non-verbal cues and minimal movement operation of medical equipment required.

Contact Us

Interested in hiring our crossed-arms doctors or becoming one yourself? Fill out the form below, and let's start making medical history together. Please note, crossed-arm emojis in your message will put you at the top of our list!

April Fool's!